
I have been in the UK for two years and it's amazing. People are really friendly and nice and I have made a lot of friends in Strathearn School. Life would have been so different without them. Although I have just met them for two years, we are already really good friends and still keep in touch.
Our school is quite near the town which is just 15 minutes by bus and the bus stop is just next to the main gate of our boarding school. Rooms in the boarding house are really fancy and we have our own bathroom, also we use a security card to access the building, our rooms and some security doors. As we are living in a boarding school, you get to know people from different. There is a gym centre, tennis court and many other sports facilities which is good for people who like leisure activities. We also have 'Tesco night' and town bus every Wednesday and Saturday, so we can buy anything we need and do some shopping.
In school, every class is less than 20 people which allow teachers to pay attention to the students. Teachers are so caring and have very good teaching skills, they make sure that we understand our studies and they go through and help us.
Last but not least, it was a very good experience and was a wonderful chance to learn about different cultures. I would really recommend you to join our school! |
~ Molly Fung |

It is a great change for me to study at Queen's College in the UK, I have to speak in English all the time. At first, I couldn’t adapt to the living environment and the school life. I even wanted to cry and go back home in the first few days. Fortunately, the people in the UK are really nice and they always take care of me. They taught me how to deal with my emotion and helped me when I needed help.
Now, I have been here about four weeks. I have met many new friends from different countries. We went to the town and play games during weekends. We also played different kinds of sports. Like badminton, hockey, swimming, tennis, etc. I enjoyed it a lot.
For the weather in the UK, it’s always raining. But I have already got used to it.
I think the study phenomenon is better than Hong Kong. The teaching is more interesting and varied. For example, we will have a field trip for geography and history students. There are many experiments for us to do in different subjects. , unlike Hong Kong, where teachers always teach us according to the books or notes.
Anyway, I enjoy studying here a lot. It is less stressful and more relaxed when comparing with Hong Kong. I am very pleased that I have this opportunity to study overseas so as to widen my knowledge. |
~ Angela Wu |

可以到英國讀書,我真係覺得好興奮又期待. 初次來到英國,感到英國和香港的文化截然不同 我所就讀學校BROCKENHURST COLLEGE。老師的教育素質高,能夠增加學習上的氣氛和興趣。學校的設備十分齊全,面積廣闊,有禮堂,飯堂,圖書館,健身室等多項設備, 加上學校有課外活動繁多,可以讓我們有機會發展多元潛能。雖然開初難免會有思鄉之感,但因為學校的學生均來自不同國籍, 有中國,韓國,波蘭,意大利等。所以很容易就能認識到三五知己了。 所以我認為在這裡讀書,除了能夠令自己的知識更進一步, 而且可以學習不同文化,認識不同國籍的人,擴闊視野,放眼世界。所以在英國留學是個不二之選,讓我感到愉快和難忘的學習經驗 。 |